هنري وود بالانجليزي
- Mr. Henry Wood, I believe, late of India.
أخالك السيد (هنري وود) خدمت بـ"الهند" - You see me now with my back like a camel, my ribs all awry, but there was a time when Corporal Henry Wood was the smartest man in the Royal Mallows.
تراني الآن وظهري كالجمل وضلوعي معوجّة ولكن مضى زمن كان فيه العريف (هنري وود) - I preferred my Nancy and my old pals in the Royal Mallows to go on believing that Harry Wood died a hero's death with a straight back, than see him crawling about the world more like a chimpanzee than a human being.
فضّلت أن تصدق (نانسي) ورفاقي القدامى بكتيبة الـ"مالو" أن (هنري وود) مات موته بطل